Tuesday, September 25, 2018

78 On Seeing Clearly --What’s Next and Why it is Next

EXPERIENCE has taught us that, unfortunately, the drama and trauma of life happened to us far too soon. Those who were supposed to protect us either could not or did not.  Life’s pot got stirred at precisely the wrong moment; our impetuous newborn souls froze up in fear, and now hold on tight to anything they can, demanding that life come to them rather than that they go to life. 
Stalled in the spiritual birth canal. 
Demanding ever more and more, the content ever changing, but the form always staying the same. 
Give it to me.  Give me it to me right now. I don’t care what it is, just give it to me so I got it. Give it to me so I can feel safe.  I’m not going out there after it without it; give it to me right here and now.
Insatiable, Needy, Scared, Loving, And Friendly?
All In The Same Thought.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

76 On Seeing Clearly -- What’s Next.


EXPERIENCE has taught us that to heal we must face whatever is next, not what has been left undone, because what was left undone will create what needs to be done next. 
Ask any child who hasn’t cleaned her room yet.  It simply sits there before her, waiting. 

What A Profoundly Simple Thought.