Tuesday, September 19, 2017

030 On Appreciating - Resistance

30       On Appreciating - Resistance 

EXPERIENCE has taught us that our society consumes tons of aspirin or “fix ‘em” pills daily.  Alcoholics drink, addicts drug, gamblers gamble, and so on, and so on, and so on. 
There is a progression to these “fix ‘em” things we do.  Some of them fall within the bounds of being socially and/or culturally acceptable, and some don’t, but they are all a form of the malady nonetheless. 
It is interesting that what is, or is not, socially acceptable is left to the consumer-participant/actor to define in terms of his or her own benefit.  Self-serving.
It is not just physical pain we try to avoid, but all kinds of imagined and/or real unpleasant conditions: boredom, restlessness, self-doubt, anger, loneliness, hurt, and the list goes on. 
Anything We Initially Experienced
Defined As Unpleasant.

Experience Has Taught Us – 175 Missing Pieces –

An Explorer’s Guide to Developing a Handbook on Life

Neil Douglas-Tubb (RCC)
Available ... Amazon.ca as eBook

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